Our Services

We provide a comprehensive assessment to determine specific areas of need and the best course of treatment.

  • Stuttering Evaluation

  • Speech and Language Evaluation



Following the formulation of individualized goals and a functional treatment plan, we provide treatment for:

  • Stuttering and cluttering across the lifespan

  • Speech sound disorders

  • Receptive and expressive language disorders

  • Social language

  • Phonological awareness/pre-reading skills

Parent Training


For parents of preschool children who stutter:

  • Parents to be present during therapy sessions

  • Learn strategies for decreasing demands on your child’s communication to improve fluency

  • Work through an individualized treatment plan based on the child’s speech-motor performance, language skills, emotional-regulation skills, and cognitive abilities


A place to feel understood and speak openly about your experience of stuttering.

  • School-aged children

  • Adolescents

  • Adults

Speech therapy covered by insurance:

subject to the terms of your plan and the determination of medical necessity